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Diastasis Recti Reverse

Diastasis Recti is a condition in which the rectus abdominis muscles on either side of the midline separate. This condition typically occurs during pregnancy and childbirth, but may also occur in cases of obesity or weak abdominal muscles. Generally, diastasis recti does not cause significant discomfort or pain. However, if the degree of separation is severe, it may affect the stability and function of the abdomen, leading to back pain, pelvic pain, and other issues. With proper care, the rectus abdominis muscles can be brought back together, resulting in a reduction in waist size and improved stability in the abdomen.

•Flatten belly
•Enhanced Posture
•Pelvic Floor Support
•Prevention of Hernias
•Improved Core Strength
•Reduced Lower Back Pain

Why Do You Need Diastasis Recti Reverse?

To improve a postpartum mother’s loose belly or obesity after pregnancy, the gap between abdominal muscles should be reduced, hence you can retrieve the #A4waist, and also relieve lower back pain.

– Limited support for internal organs and easily displaced
– Chronic back pain 
– A bulging belly (frog-like belly / beer belly)
– Affected body shape (muffin top / midriff bulge)
– Despite efforts to exercise, the belly may remain
– Risk of developing a hernia
– The internal organs may fall and compress the bladder, potentially causing inconti nence even with sneezing
– Loss of hip and pelvic stability
– Pelvic floor dysfunction

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